
TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up to date on clinical trial

TSC Alert

2020 International TSC Conference Update

The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2020 has been postponed and will now take place June 17-19, 2021 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. A virtual event will also take place

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Contributes Data to RDCA-DAP

The TSC Alliance has recently contributed data to The Rare Disease Cures Accelerator–Data and Analytics Platform (RDCA-DAP), funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and developed by the Critical

TSC Alert

Update on TSC Biosample Repository Project

The TSC Alliance has resumed biosample collection and is able to consent patients for the project via a 20-minute phone call. In coordination with a national mobile phlebotomy service the TSC

TSC Alert

Research Study on TSC and COVID-19

The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information about individuals with TSC who had COVID-19 infection. Please circulate to your patients:

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up to date on clinical trial

TSC Alert

2020 International TSC Conference Update

The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2020 has been postponed and will now take place June 17-19, 2021 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. A virtual event will also take place

TSC Alert

Update on TSC Biosample Repository Project

The TSC Alliance has resumed biosample collection and is able to consent patients for the project via a 20-minute phone call. In coordination with a national mobile phlebotomy service the TSC

TSC Alert

Research Study on TSC and COVID-19

The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information about individuals with TSC who had COVID-19 infection. Please circulate to your patients:

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Contributes Data to RDCA-DAP

The TSC Alliance has recently contributed data to The Rare Disease Cures Accelerator–Data and Analytics Platform (RDCA-DAP), funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and developed by the Critical

TSC Alert

2020 International TSC Conference Update

The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2020 has been postponed and will now take place June 17-19, 2021 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. A virtual event will also take place

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up to date on clinical trial

TSC Alert

Update on TSC Biosample Repository Project

The TSC Alliance has resumed biosample collection and is able to consent patients for the project via a 20-minute phone call. In coordination with a national mobile phlebotomy service the TSC

TSC Alert

Research Study on TSC and COVID-19

The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information about individuals with TSC who had COVID-19 infection. Please circulate to your patients: The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information in their TSC

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up-to-date on clinical trial news,

TSC Alert

Update on TSC Biosample Repository Project

Currently, biosample collections have been paused. However, patients with TSC can still participate in this initiative. The TSC Alliance is able to consent patients for the project via a 20-minute

TSC Alert

Research Study on TSC and COVID-19

The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information about individuals with TSC who had COVID-19 infection. Please circulate to your patients: The TSC Alliance is collecting clinical information in their TSC


Episode 12: Living with TSC During COVID-19

In episode 12 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein does a deep dive on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) community. Throughout the

TSC Matters Post

Listen and Subscribe to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND),

TSC Matters Post

#March4TSCresearch Update

The annual TSC Alliance March on Capitol Hill to advocate for federal funding for the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) at the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Matters Post

TSC Alliance COVID-19 & TSC Resource

The TSC Alliance has assembled a wide range of information and resources about the COVID-19 pandemic for people with TSC, their families and loved ones, and medical professionals. These include

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up-to-date on clinical trial news, FDA

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up-to-date on clinical trial news, FDA

TSC Matters Post

Listen and Subscribe to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND),

TSC Matters Post

#March4TSCresearch Update

On March 4, 2020 more than 120 volunteer advocates from across the country will gather in Washington, DC for the annual March on Capitol Hill to advocate for continued funding

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Alert

TSC Alliance Partners with NeurologyLive™

The TSC Alliance has partnered with NeurologyLive to bring healthcare professionals treating neurological disorders the latest in research and practice. You can view our partner page here. Subscribe to NeurologyLive to stay up-to-date on clinical trial news, FDA

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Matters Post

Listen and Subscribe to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND),

TSC Matters Post

Changes to TSC Matters in 2020

The TSC Alliance is transitioning to a new email platform in 2020. Be on the lookout for an email early in January asking you to update your information and resubscribe

TSC Alert

Important Update about TSC Alert in 2020

Starting in January, the TSC Alert e-newsletter will be sent out on the second Friday of the month. Furthermore, the TSC Alliance is transitioning to a new email platform in

TSC Alert

Connect with the TSC Alliance at AES

There are several opportunities to meet with TSC Alliance representatives during the 2019 American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting:

TSC Matters Post

Meet Team TSC

On Sunday, November 3, 2019, 11 members of Team TSC will be running in the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon on behalf of the TSC Alliance. To date, our Team TSC

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Matters Post

TSC Alliance Announces New TSC Centers of Excellence

The TSC Alliance is pleased to introduce our new “TSC Center of Excellence” designation for qualifying TSC Clinics. Each TSC Center of Excellence must submit an application specifying how it

TSC Matters Post

Upcoming Step Forward to Cure TSC Walks

Sometimes simple things can make a huge difference. Like simple steps, taken by caring people on a mission to improve the lives of those living with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

TSC Matters Post

TSC Research: Our Vision for 2020

As part of our 45th Anniversary Celebration, during the Fund a Cure portion of the live auction we raised funds to support two important research initiatives that we believe will

TSC Matters Post

Subscribe to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND),

TSC Matters Post

What TSC Means to Me Drawing Contest

In September, the TSC Alliance of Indiana held a “What Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Means to Me” Drawing Contest for family members, caregivers, friends, and individuals with TSC. Contestants were asked

TSC Matters Post

2019 International TSC Research Conference Review

The 2019 International TSC Research Conference: Changing the Course of TSC, co-sponsored with Tuberous Sclerosis Canada Sclérose Tubéreuse (TSCST) and the TSC Alliance of Mexico, was held June 20-22, 2019 in Toronto, Canada. The conference brought together 251 people from

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Matters Post

Listen to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders (TAND),

TSC Matters Post

Join Team TSC and Run the NYC Marathon!

There are still a few spots left to run with Team TSC in the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon on November 3, 2019. Learn More. Sign Up to Run with

TSC Matters Post

Upcoming Step Forward to Cure TSC Walks

Sometimes simple things can make a huge difference. Like simple steps, taken by caring people on a mission to improve the lives of those living with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

TSC Alert

2019 International TSC Research Conference Review

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 International TSC Research Conference: Changing the Course of TSC in Toronto. You can view the Conference Program Book here. The conference, co-sponsored with Tuberous Sclerosis Canada Sclérose

TSC Alert

2019 International TSC Research Conference Post Survey

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 International TSC Research Conference: Changing the Course of TSC in Toronto. You can view the Conference Program Book here. If you attended the conference please

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinic Experience of Care Survey

The TSC Alliance would like to know about your experience at the TSC Clinic you/your child go to for care.  Your comments in this online survey will be shared with the TSC

TSC Matters Post

TSC Clinical Research Consortium Update

To initiate and implement clinical studies more quickly and effectively, researchers from five TSC Clinics together with the TSC Alliance formed the TSC Clinical Research Consortium in 2012. Since then,

TSC Matters Post

Join Team TSC and Run the NYC Marathon!

Team TSC is a dedicated group of people running on behalf of the 50,000 people in the US and 1 million worldwide with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). The TSC Alliance

TSC Matters Post

#March4TSCresearch Update

We are excited to report over a third of the Senate signed the FY20 Dear Colleague Letter, and it closed with a record 35 signatures! The previous high was 29.

TSC Matters Post

Subscribe to TSC Now

TSC Now is the TSC Alliance’s podcast series, which features interviews with clinicians, researchers, TSC Alliance staff and others on topics like TSC research, epilepsy surgery options, educational advocacy, TSC-associated Neuropsychiatric Disorders

TSC Matters Post

Upcoming Step Forward to Cure TSC Walks

Sometimes simple things can make a huge difference. Like simple steps, taken by caring people on a mission to improve the lives of those living with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

TSC Matters Post

St. Louis Regional TSC & LAM Conference

The TSC Alliance and The LAM Foundation are co-hosting four more Regional TSC & LAM Conferences in 2019! Focusing on patients and caregivers, conferences will take place in St. Louis (June 15), Chicago (September 7), Atlanta (September 21), and Los

TSC Alert

April TSC Preclinical Consortium Meeting

On April 1 members of the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Preclinical Consortium met in Silver Spring, Maryland to discuss ongoing preclinical projects and set priorities for the rest of the year.

TSC Matters Post

TSC Preclinical Consortium Meeting

The TSC Alliance launched the TSC Preclinical Consortium in 2016, in collaboration with industry and academia, to test the efficacy of candidate therapeutic drugs and advance the best to the clinical stage.

TSC Matters Post

Upcoming Step Forward to Cure TSC Walks

“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” ― Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing Sometimes simple things can make a huge difference.

TSC Matters Post

#March4TSCresearch Update

Thanks to the incredible advocacy of our volunteers, over half of the House signed the FY20 House Dear Colleague Letter! It closed with 232 signatures, making it our most signed

TSC Matters Post

Boston Regional TSC & LAM Conference

The TSC Alliance and The LAM Foundation are co-hosting five Regional TSC & LAM Conferences in 2019! Focusing on patients and caregivers, conferences will take place in Boston (April 13), St. Louis (June 15), Chicago (September 7), Atlanta (September 21), and Los

TSC Alert

New Sample Types Available in TSC Biosample Repository

The TSC Alliance signed an agreement with Erasmus MC to include the TSC1- and TSC2-knockout HEK293T cell lines from the Nellist laboratory in the TSC Biosample Repository. The TSC Alliance can distribute

TSC Alert

Serial Samples in the TSC Biosample Repository

Having entered its second year, the TSC Biosample Repository is beginning to receive serial blood samples from individuals who donated one year ago. Although we have only three such serial

TSC Alert

TSC Biosample Repository Update – August 2017

Our TSC Biosample Repository now has 329 biosamples, including 203 blood, buccal, or tissue samples from participants enrolled in the Natural History Database project. The Biosample Repository also includes blood samples

TSC Alert

TSC Biosample Repository Update – June 2017

Our TSC Biosample Repository now has 258 biosamples, including 143 blood or buccal samples from participants enrolled in the Natural History Database project. The Biosample Repository also includes blood samples from

TSC Alert

Recap: Early-Stage TSC Researcher Meeting

A group of early-career researchers held the Second Early-Stage Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Researcher Meeting on June 21, 2017, the day before the International Research Conference on TSC and LAM: Innovating

TSC Alert

TSCRP Funding Opportunities Available

The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is accepting applications for the fiscal year 2017 grant cycle. Letters of intent are due July 11, 2017. Three award mechanisms are available this

TSC Alert

The New TSC Alert

Welcome to the new TSC Alert, a monthly electronic newsletter for TSC researchers. It provides updates on TSC research resources, conferences and clinical studies, as well as news that may be

TSC Alert

TSC Biosample Repository Update – March 2017

Our TSC Biosample Repository now has 203 blood samples from individuals with TSC (and some parents of children with TSC who do not have TSC themselves). These samples are linked to


Find a TSC Clinic

The TSC Alliance supports the vital role a tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) clinic can play in improving the lives of TSC patients. Use the resources below to find a TSC


About TSC

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a complicated disease that manifests differently from person to person. But thanks to earlier diagnosis and better treatments, those affected by TSC are living healthier,

Team Member

Jamie Saylor

Jamie joined the TSC Alliance team in February 2025 as Chief Financial Officer. In this role, Jamie is responsible for overseeing the financial and accounting operations of the organization, including

TSC Alert

Reproductive and Perinatal Health Initiative

The TSC Alliance has launched a Reproductive and Perinatal Health Initiative committed to improving care provided to women with TSC before and during pregnancy.   If you are a woman or


Reproductive and Perinatal Health Initiative

The Reproductive and Perinatal Health (RPH) Initiative focuses on identifying key priorities associated with maternal fetal pregnancy-related complications in TSC and establishing recommendations for reproductive and perinatal care. The first phase


Reproductive and Perinatal Health Initiative

The Reproductive and Perinatal Health (RPH) Initiative focuses on identifying key priorities associated with maternal fetal pregnancy-related complications in TSC and establishing recommendations for reproductive and perinatal care.   The TSC Alliance


Ask an Advocate Session – 2/10/25

This session featured TSC Alliance Education Peer Mentor Deanna Wall, MHA, Clinical Research Coordinator Sr. at the Huntsman Mental Health Institute.


Ask an Advocate

Join us on August 11 at 8 pm ET for our Ask an Advocate call featuring the second half of a two-part series with TSC Alliance Education Peer Mentor Alexandra Dahlgren.


Ask an Advocate

Join us on June 9 at 8 pm ET for Ask an Advocate, featuring the first of a two-part series with TSC Alliance Education Peer Mentor Alexandra Dahlgren. She will discuss


2025 Transition Webinar

Join the TSC Alliance for the 2025 Transition Webinar Series!   The first webinar of a six-part series on transitioning to adulthood will take place on Thursday, February 13, 2025



Fiscal Year 2024 (Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2024) FALL Board of Directors Meeting, october 24, 2024 October 2024 Board Book Finance Supplement I Finance Supplement J Spring Board of


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

ABOUT  |  ONBOARDING  |  CURRENT VOLUNTEERS  |  NETWORKING  |  RECOGNITION  |  SUPPORT  |  MARCH ON CAPITOL HILL  |  FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Our FAQ section is designed to help


Zoom Backgrounds

To download the Zoom background, right click the image and click “Save image as…”.  See below images for instructions on how to use a background in Zoom. Instructions for uploading


E-Packet and Dear Colleague Letters

Congressional E-Packet FY26 TSCRP Justification TSC and Related Disorders Pathway TSC/TSC Alliance Information CDMRP TSCRP Overview Please note: the Dear Colleague Letters below are from LAST FISCAL YEAR.  Final Senate


View our 2024 team members

Ashleigh Daweritz In Honor of Bryn VIEW MY PAGE Margaret Gabriel In Honor of Cammy Wilson VIEW MY PAGE Kristi Lengyel Team TSC VIEW MY PAGE Kimberly Moran Puerta Kim


Preparation Materials

2025 Sample TSC Family Letter 2025 Sample Appointment Request Text Virtual Story Card Template – Learn how to create your own here. Training Information Key Talking Points Myths and Facts



ABOUT  |  ONBOARDING  |  CURRENT VOLUNTEERS  |  NETWORKING  |  RECOGNITION  |  SUPPORT  |  MARCH ON CAPITOL HILL  |  FAQ’s What is the Community Leadership Hub? Community Leadership Hub—a dynamic platform


Adult Topic Call

Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant


Adult Topic Call

Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant


Adult Topic Call

Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant


Adult Topic Call

Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant


Adult Topic Call

Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant


Adult Topic Call

We’re thrilled to announce that Jamie Capal, MD,  Division Chief of Pediatric Neurology at the University of Rochester and Director of the newly established TSC Clinic, will be joining our Adult

News Item

Caregiver Sleep Study

The University of Birmingham are conducting a study ‘Understanding Caregiver Experiences of Sleep Management Difficulties in Individuals with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex’. If you are a caregiver of a person with

Team Member

Alexis Ross

Alexis joined the TSC Alliance as the Development Coordinator in December 2024. She recently graduated with her master’s in communications from Johns Hopkins University, where she studied how communications issues



ABOUT  |  ONBOARDING  |  CURRENT VOLUNTEERS  |  NETWORKING  |  RECOGNITION  |  SUPPORT  |  MARCH ON CAPITOL HILL  |  FAQ’s Onboarding We’re thrilled to have you join the TSC Alliance volunteer


Current Volunteers

ABOUT  |  ONBOARDING  |  CURRENT VOLUNTEERS  |  NETWORKING  |  RECOGNITION  |  SUPPORT  |  MARCH ON CAPITOL HILL  |  FAQ’s Current Volunteers Welcome to the Current Volunteer section of the Community


Anya’s Accelerator

The goal of Anya’s Accelerator is to catalyze the development of biomarkers to aid clinical care and the development of interventions for autism behaviors and other impactful aspects of TAND.


Anya’s Accelerator

We are so grateful for the work and progress the TSC Alliance has made over the past 20 years. Anya’s Accelerator will provide an opportunity to advance TAND research and


Neuropsychiatric evaluations we can accept

Autism measures like ADOS-2 and ADIR Anxiety measures like GAD-7 Depression measures like NDDI-E Intellectual disability measures like Vineland (version 1 or 2) If you have questions about whether your


24th Annual Comedy for a Cure

Get your tickets to Comedy for a Cure! Join us for an evening of laughter and hope that’s out of this world!  Sunday, April 6, 2025 | Vibiana Learn more and

News Item

Tune in for the 2025 Transition Webinar Series!

The 2025 TSC Transition Webinar Series will provide parents, caregivers and adults with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) with recommendations and resources that provide timelines and supports available, so they know how and when to

Team Member

Heather Radtke, MS, CGC

Heather joined the TSC Alliance in November 2024, having worked with families with TSC and other genetic conditions for more than 25 years. Heather received her bachelor’s degree in Genetics

TSC Matters Post

Back to school support resources

  As we approach back to school season, we want to remind you about the support and resources the TSC Alliance provides. Shelly Meitzler, Director, Community Outreach & Support, and

TSC Matters Post

Steven Sparagana Legacy Fund

Dr. Steven Sparagana’s dedication and pioneering work have been instrumental in advancing tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) research and improving the lives of countless individuals and families affected by this disease. He


50th Anniversary Spotlight – Shonnie Johnson

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the TSC Alliance, which was founded by four moms in Southern California in 1974. To celebrate the anniversary of the organization, throughout the year


Tri-State Area Community Gathering

Join TSC parent Emily Docktor, LCSW, for an informal, in-person meet up! This series of gatherings will provide an opportunity to talk about building connections, supporting self and others, parent-child relationships, siblings and balance, and resentment/forgiveness and self-care. These gatherings will


Tri-State Area Community Gathering

Join TSC parent Emily Docktor, LCSW, for an informal, in-person meet up! This series of gatherings will provide an opportunity to talk about building connections, supporting self and others, parent-child relationships, siblings and balance, and resentment/forgiveness and self-care. These gatherings will


Tri-State Area Community Gathering

Join TSC parent Emily Docktor, LCSW, for an informal, in-person meet up! This series of gatherings will provide an opportunity to talk about building connections, supporting self and others, parent-child relationships, siblings and balance, and resentment/forgiveness and self-care. These gatherings will


2024 Transition Workshop Series – Salt Lake City, Utah

One-day Transition Workshops will feature local clinicians and resources specializing in the transition from pediatric to adult health care and transitions from postsecondary education that include: further education, employment, and


2024 Transition Workshop Series – Memphis, TN

One-day Transition Workshops will feature local clinicians and resources specializing in the transition from pediatric to adult health care and transitions from postsecondary education that include: further education, employment, and

News Item

Announcing the Steven Sparagana Legacy Fund

The Steven Sparagana Legacy Fund was created in honor of Steven Sparagana, MD’s retirement in July 2024. The fund will provide an ongoing source of revenue in support of the


Five things healthcare providers should know

Are you providing care to a patient with a suspected tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) diagnosis? Here are five things you need to know: Early diagnosis and management are critical to


2024 TCS New York City Marathon

The TSC Alliance and Team TSC are proud to be an Official Charity Partner with the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 3, 2024. The TCS New York City Marathon course


23rd Annual Comedy for a Cure

Led by event chair Anita Bhatia, Comedy for a Cure will be held Sunday, April 14, 2024, at Vibiana in Los Angeles. The event begins at 5 pm with red carpet

TSC Matters Post

50th Anniversary Spotlight: Susan McBrine

Susan McBrine is one of the four founding moms of the National Tuberous Sclerosis Association, Inc. (the original name of the TSC Alliance) along with Adrianne Cohen, Verna Morris and

TSC Alert

2024 grant cycle now open!

The portal for the 2024 TSC Alliance Research Grant and Postdoctoral Fellowship program is now open on ProposalCentral. Interested applicants may submit a letter of intent until Monday, May 13, 2024. The TSC Alliance is

Story of Hope

Misty Barnhart

My name is Misty. I am 42, a wife, a mother, and a Gram. I was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in my early teens and was told that

Story of Hope

Brynleigh Shillinger

Brynleigh was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) at 9 1/2 months when she began having complex partial seizures. After an EEG, brain MRI, cardiac scans, an abdominal ultrasound, skin



Fiscal Year 2009 (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009) Operating Board FY2010 Board Committee Goals TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, June 19, 2008 TSC Alliance Board of



Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010) Welcome to BoardLink, which provides the most up-to-date information for the TSC Alliance Board of Directors, including meeting documents, committee meeting minutes


2010.5 and 2011

Fiscal Years 2010.5 & 2011 (July 1, 2010 – December 31, 2011) Operating Board Operating Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2010  (Approved Sept. 25, 2010) Operating Board of



Fiscal Year 2012 (January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012) FY 2013 Budget FY 2013 Approved Budget FY 2013 Budget Narrative 2014 National TSC Conference Analysis Narrative: Pros/Cons of National



Fiscal Year 2013 (January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013) Operating Board FY 2013 Board of Directors Member Contact List FY 2013 Board Committee Assignments FY 2013 Board and Committee



Fiscal Year 2014 (January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014) Operating Board FY 2014 TS Alliance Board of Directors Member Contact List FY 2014 Board Goals FY 2014 Board Committee Assignments



Fiscal Year 2015 (January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015) Operating Board FY 2015 TS Alliance Board of Directors Member Contact List FY 2015 Board Orientation Manual FY 2015 Board Goals



Fiscal Year 2016 (Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2016) Archives Operating Board FY 2016 Board of Directors Contact List FY 2016 Board Goals FY 2016 Board Committee Assignments FY 2017



Fiscal Year 2017 (January 1 – December 31, 2017) October 12-13, 2017 Board Meeting Resources Board Meeting Materials Draft 2018 Budget Summary 2018 Budget Narrative 2017 Clinic Applicants Summary 2017



Fiscal Year 2018 (January 1 – December 31, 2018) Operating Board FY 2018 Board of Directors Contact List FY 2018 Committee Assignments FY 2018 Board Committee Meeting Schedule FY 2018



Fiscal Year 2019 (January 1 – December 31, 2019) Operating Board FY 2019 Board of Directors Contact List FY 2019 Board Committee Assignments FY 2019 Board Committee Meeting Schedule FY



Fiscal Year 2020 (January 1 – December 31, 2020) Operating Board FY 2020 Board of Directors Contact List FY 2020 Board Committee Assignments FY 2020 Board Meeting Schedule Approved and



Fiscal Year 2021 (January 1 – December 31, 2021) Operating Board Board of Directors Contact List FY 2021 Board Committee Assignments FY 2021 Board Meeting Schedule Approved and Amended By-Laws,



Fiscal Year 2022 (January 1 – December 31, 2022) Operating Board Operating Board of Directors Contact List FY 2022 Board Committee Assignments FY 2022 Board Meeting Schedule Approved and Amended


Board Manual FY 2025

If you would prefer a hard copy of any of these materials, please contact Rachel Wojnilower at (301) 562-9890 or rwojnilower@tscalliance.org. TSC Alliance Board Orientation, recorded January 24, 2025 Committee



Fiscal Year 2023 (January 1 – December 31, 2023), Fall Board of Directors Meeting, October 12-13, 2023 Table of Contents Overall Documents Strategic Planning Research Campaign Outreach Finance Global Relations Audit



This site is intended to provide basic information about tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). It is not intended to, nor does it, constitute medical or other advice. Readers are warned not


Privacy Policy

Approved by the TSC Alliance Executive Committee: May 4, 2018 Revisions Approved by Executive Committee:  January 30, 2019 The TSC Alliance (“TSC Alliance,” or “we”, “us”, “our”) respects your privacy. 

Story of Hope

Ryelyn Thompson

Ryelyn is two years old and one of five children. Ryelyn’s family found out she possibly had TSC at a doctor’s visit while her mother was pregnant. She is a

Story of Hope

Christian Martinez

Christian’s mother found out about tuberous sclerosis complex two days before he was born. She had never heard of TSC and had no idea how their lives were going to

Story of Hope

Brian Quinn

Brian was diagnosed with TSC as a young child, which caused seizures throughout his childhood until the correct medication and dosage were found. Brian had a learning disability when he


Contact Us

TSC Alliance 8737 Colesville Road, Suite 400 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-4487 GET DIRECTIONS Staff Directory Phone Our phones are available 9-5 pm ET, Mon-Fri. Tel: (301) 562-9890 Toll-Free: 1-800-225-6872 Emergency

News Item

Meet the Future Leaders Class of 2024

The TSC Alliance is thrilled to introduce our Future Leaders class of 2024! Our Future Leaders are a group of young adults ages 17 through 25 who are dedicated to


Navigation Guides

The TSC Alliance’s “Navigation Guides” provide essential information to help guide individuals and families through the complexities of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) across the lifespan. TSC uniquely affects each individual


Navigation Guides

The TSC Alliance’s “Navigation Guides” provide essential information to help guide individuals and families through the complexities of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) across the lifespan. TSC uniquely affects each individual


Sample letter to a family member

Telling your family members about TSC can be difficult and overwhelming. Let us help by providing a letter you can use to help explain TSC and provide answers to their questions.



The TSC Alliance has made our website more accessible, thanks to a partnership with accessiBe, a company devoted to educating the world about the importance of inclusivity and web accessibility.


Fund research

50 Forward Fund The last 50 years have been transformative. The TSC Alliance has funded more than $37 million in TSC research and through these investments have significantly expanded our


Honor a loved one

Tributes Tribute gifts can be made in honor or in memory of individuals. It is a wonderful way to send a birthday or anniversary wish, or congratulations for retirement, a



Media members and anyone seeking additional information about tuberous sclerosis complex or the TSC Alliance may direct inquiries to: Jaye Isham Chief Outreach Officer TSC Alliance 8737 Colesville Road, Suite


Shop Our Store

Products Stylo Bracelet Aimant Bouteille How To Order To place an order, please email TSCanadaST@gmail.com and indicate how many and which items you would like to order.  Payment will be


Create a Personal Fundraising Page

There is no limit to the many different ways you can personally help to raise funds and awareness for TSC. You can easily turn a fun activity, a birthday party


Make a Donation

A donation to Tuberous Sclerosis Canada (TS Canada ST) can make a difference in the lives of those affected by tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) by funding research and educational forums,


Donate a Car to Tuberous Sclerosis Canada

Do you have a car to donate?  Consider donating a car to Tuberous Sclerosis Canada by visiting donate a car Canada. Donate A Car Canada accepts Vehicle Donations for Tuberous



Tuberous Sclerosis Canada is seeking volunteers to help us with our efforts to combat tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). Your efforts will help us establish local, provincial and national connections for


Upcoming Events

No current events scheduled.   Past Events Did you miss the TSC Canada ST & TSC Alliance Research Collaboration Webinar?  Watch it here:


Additional Resources

Brain & Epilepsy Organizations Canadian Epilepsy Alliance: www.epilepsymatters.com International Bureau for Epilepsy: www.ibe-epilepsy.org Epilepsy Foundation: www.epilepsyfoundation.org BC Epilepsy Society: www.bcepilepsy.com Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital: www.mni.mcgill.ca Childrens Neurology: www.childneurologysociety.org Epilepsy


Organ & Tissue Donation

Biosample Repository and Natural History Database The TSC Natural History Database collects clinical data used to document the impact of TSC on a person’s health, over his or her lifetime. 


Bylaws & Financials

Bylaws TSCST bylaw Financial Statements Click here to access our latest Canadian Registered Charity Return


Board of Directors

Cathy Evanochko, Chair Cathy Evanochko is one of the founding board members of the organization. In the days prior to the availability of the Internet, an article about Cathy’s family


A message from our Chair

Every unique journey with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is marked by hazards big and small, filled with unique twists and turns, none of which are easy. When we receive a


TS Canada ST

Tuberous Sclerosis Canada Sclérose Tubéreuse Established 1990 Mission TS Canada ST is a voluntary, non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to the principles of raising public awareness of tuberous sclerosis complex, encouraging



105k graft (Tsc2-null) immune-competent  Tsc2-AJ spontaneous renal cystadenoma 


Confidential drug screening

Company Members have the option to remain anonymous and retain confidentiality and ownership of data by paying for experiments as defined in the Consortium Operating Agreement.  Testing of compounds is


Zoom Backgrounds

To download the Zoom background, right click the image and click “Save image as…”.  See below images for instructions on how to use a background in Zoom. Instructions for uploading


E-Packet and Dear Colleague Letters

Download  the FY2025 Congressional E-Packet Included in the Congressional E-Packet: FY25 Justification About TSC/TSC Alliance Lay TSC Pathway TSCRP Program Overview FY2025 Dear Colleague Letters Final Senate Dear Colleague Letter


Preparation Materials

Please note these materials are for volunteer use only and not meant to be shared with your representative. Samples Sample Appointment Request via Email Sample TSC Family Letter Sample TSC Friends


Alianzas en países que son hispanoparlantes

Alianzas en países que son hispanoparlantes  TSC Alliance of Mexico – Alianza de Esclerosis Tuberosa en México  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tsallianceofmexico   Asociación Argentina de Esclerosis Tuberosa (ARGET) Email:  asociacionarget@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AsociacionArget  


Clínicas especializadas en el CET

Clínicas especializadas en el CET que cuentan con un doctor o un empleado que habla español con fluidez: California – Loma Linda The Tuberous Sclerosis Clinic at Loma Linda University


RAINBOW Study (2023 Webinar Series)

This webinar discusses behaviors in TSC and the Remote Assessment and Intervention for Behavior Problems in Kids With TSC (RAINBOW). Presenters: Nicole McDonald, PhD, Assistant Professor, UCLA Division of Child


Share your story of hope

Please complete the form below to share your story of hope. By sharing your story, you help inspire hope in everyone with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and let them know


Previous Gomez Award recipients

Anna Jansen, MD, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Kari Luther Rosbeck, TSC Alliance Darcy Krueger, MD, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Mark Nellist, PhD, Erasmus MC Chris Kingswood, MB, BS, FRCP,


Samples currently available

As of January 1, 2025, the TSC Biosample Repository has the following in their inventory: Whole Blood 265 DNA* 1 PBMC 7 DBS 1170 Plasma 1024 WBC – Buffy Coat



Tsc1-GFAP-CKO   Tsc2-GFAP-CKO  Tsc2-Syn1-Cre  Tsc1 & Tsc2 stochastic models  



Swallow E, King S, Song J, Peeples M, Signorovitch JE, Liu Z, Prestifilippo J, Frost M, Kohrman M, Korf B, Krueger D, Sparagana S. Patterns of disease monitoring and treatment



Loubert F, House AA, Larochelle C, Major P, Keezer MR. Development and internal validation of a clinical risk score to predict incident renal and pulmonary tumors in people with tuberous



Aronow ME, Nakagawa JA, Gupta A, Traboulsi EI, Singh AD. Tuberous sclerosis complex: genotype/phenotype correlation of retinal findings. Ophthalmology. 2012;119(9):1917-1923. doi: 1016/j.ophtha.2012.03.020. This paper evaluates the genetic and clinical feature



Boggarapu S, Roberds SL, Nakagawa JA, Beresford E. Characterization and management of facial angiofibroma related to tuberous sclerosis complex in the United States: retrospective analysis of the natural history database.