Office of the President
Kari Luther Rosbeck
President & Chief Executive Officer
Rachel Wojnilower
Chief of Staff
Anne Wolfe
Senior Manager, Strategic Projects
Finance, Administration & Fund Development
Cynthia Arcuri, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Finance & Administration
Emebet G/Micheal
Senior Accountant
Fund Development
Lisa Moss
Vice President, Donor Relations
Ryan Beebe
Manager, Annual Giving & Partnerships
Justin Martucci
Development Systems Manager
Landon Cox
Development Coordinator
Christen Bell
Grant Writer Consultant
Jaye Isham
Chief Outreach Officer
Dan Klein
Senior Director, Communications
Maddison Larrimore
Social Media & Content Coordinator
Community Programs
Shelly Meitzler
Director, Outreach and Support
Gail Saunders
Director, Community Programs
Carly Kaye
Community Programs Manager
Elizabeth Skufca
Community Programs Manager
Government & Global Affairs
Katie Smith
Director, Government & Global Affairs
Steven L. Roberds, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Dean J. Aguiar, PhD
Vice President, Translational Research
Liz Cassidy, MPH
Research Project Manager
Zoë Fuchs
Manager, Translational Research
Ayat Abi
Scientific Project Coordinator
Sam Metzger
Scientific Project Manager