The TSC Alliance has a long-standing history of international involvement within the TSC community: supporting advocacy and research throughout the world with our Global Alliance Program and International Scientific Advisory Board; hosting or participating in International TSC Research Conferences; and membership within TSC International, a consortium of TSC organizations around the world.
TSC Alliance Global Alliance Program
The TSC Alliance Global Alliance Program was created as a way to address unmet needs within the global TSC community at the country level. It provides the opportunity for the TSC Alliance to share experiences and assist in the start-up or support of TSC-related organizations in other countries.
A Global Alliance is a structured group of empowered and caring volunteers who work closely with the TSC Alliance to facilitate local connections for individuals and families affected by TSC, build relationships with local healthcare providers, and increase awareness while supporting the mission of the organization.
The TSC Alliance is pleased to partner with the following TSC-related organizations in other countries:
If you are interested in starting a TSC organization in your country, including partnering with the TSC Alliance, please contact Katie Smith at
Global Alliance TSC Clinics
Working with the TSC community is a key aspect of a Global Alliance TSC Clinic. The TSC Alliance recognizes TSC Clinics only in countries that we have a formal Global Alliance partnership with. We currently recognize TSC Clinics in Canada, India, Israel and Mexico.
If you are interested in starting a TSC Clinic in your country, please contact Katie Smith at
International TSC Clinics
Hamilton, Ontario – McMaster Children’s Hospital
- Directors: Dr. Robyn Whitney and Dr. Elisabetta Trinari
- Coordinator/ Nurse Practitioner: Cynthia Sloan Birbeck, NP
- Age Range Seen: 0-18
- Clinic Frequency: Monthly
- Transition Program Available: Yes
- For clinic information please refer to Dr. Whitney at 905-521-7914, attention TSC Clinic, McMaster Children’s Hospital.
London, Ontario – London Health Sciences Centre TSC Network
- 339 Windermere Road, London, Ontario N6A 5A5
- Director: Andrew House, MD
- Coordinator: Andrew House, MD
- Age Range Seen: Adults
- Clinic Frequency: The local practice is to see patients as and when they come. Virtual options (videoconferencing, telephone) are available.
- The TSCN is a consultative clinic for adult patients with TSC, made up of specialists from a number of disciplines. Our network includes Dr. Andrew House (nephrology); Drs. Ana Suller Marti, Michelle Lee Jones and Derek Debicki (neurology/epilepsy); Drs. Stephen Pautler and Patrick Luke (urology); Dr. Marco Mura (respirology); Dr. Wei Jing Loo (dermatology); Drs. Natalya Karp and Dervla Connaughton (genetics); Dr. Raymond Lee (dentistry). Referrals to any specialist in the TSCN provides an entry point to multidisciplinary care, while undifferentiated cases can be referred to Dr. House. We are happy to accept referrals for any adult with TSC, and also to ease transition from pediatric to adult follow up for children in their late teens. For Clinic Information and to schedule an appointment call (519) 663-3167.
Montreal, Quebec – CHU Sainte-Justine, University of Montreal
- Director: Philippe Major, MD
- Coordinator: Lucie Côté RN
- Age Range Seen: Children only under age 18 years.
- Clinic Frequency: Thursdays, every 2-3 weeks.
- For Clinic Information and to schedule an appointment call (514) 345-6510.
Montreal, Quebec – TSC Adult Clinic at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
- Director: Mark Keezer, MDCM, PhD
- Coordinator: Vanessa Léger, RN
- Age Range: Adults
- Clinic Frequency: Every second Thursday.
- For Clinic Information and to schedule an appointment call (514) 890-8000 extension 26419.
Toronto, Ontario – Comprehensive Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Clinic at The Hospital for Sick Children
- Interim Director: Elizabeth Donner, MD
- Co-Director: Maria Zak, MN, NP
- Coordinator: Eugenia Law, RN
- TSC Program Patient Navigator: Semira Kaul, RN
- Age Range Seen: Children up to age 18 years
- Clinic Frequency: One full Friday per month with additional clinics added as needed.
- For clinic Information and to schedule an appointment, call (416) 813-7654 extension 201123.
Hyderabad, Telangana – Butterflies Child Development Centre and Paediatric Specialty Clinics
- Director: Pranathi Gutta, MBBS
- Co-Director: Nanda Kishor Kumar Vuppali, MBBS, DCH, MRCPCH
- Coordinator: Pranathi Gutta, MBBS
- Age Range Seen: Children only under age 18 years, with some flexibility to age 21 years.
- Clinic Frequency: The local practice is to see patients as and when they come.
- For Clinic information and to schedule an appointment call +91 95-50876540
Mumbai, Maharashtra – SRCC Children’s Hospital by NH
- Director: Pradnya Gadgil, MBBS, MRCPCH
- Coordinator: Ms. Kavita Singh
- Age Range Seen: New patients only under 18 years age
- Clinic Frequency: Daily as needed
- For Clinic Information call +917304443098. To schedule an appointment call +91- 22-71222777 or +91 8291903140
Patparganj, Delhi – MAX Super Specialty Hospital- Patparganj
- Director: Saurabh S. Chopra, MD
- Coordinator: Ms. Nisha Sindra
- Age Range Seen: New patients under age 16 years
- Clinic Frequency: Clinic practice is to see patients as they come.
- For Clinic information and to schedule an appointment call +91 11-43033333
Be’er Shiva – The Clinic for Multidisciplinary Treatment of TS at Soroka University Medical Center
- Director: Iris Noyman, MD
- Age Range Seen: Children and Adults
- Clinic Frequency: Every 4 to 8 weeks. Patients see Dr. Noyman on a more frequent basis.
- For clinic information contact Dr. Noyman at or 972-8-6400140. To schedule an appointment contact Sabrina Dekel at or 972-8-6245469.
Jerusalem – Hadassah TSC Clinic
- Director: Tal Giboa, MD
- Co-Director: Oded Volovelsky, MD, PhD
- Clinic Receptionist: Moran Avraham
- Age Range Seen: Children and Adults
- Clinic Frequency: Monthly, the last Tuesday of the month
- For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 972-2-6779375.
Tel Aviv – TSC Clinic at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Director: Jonathan Roth, MD
- Co-Director: Hagit Toledano, MD
- Age Range Seen: Children and Adults up to 50 years of age
- Clinic Frequency: Weekly
- Clinic phone number: +97236973500
- Clinic Address: 6 Weizmann st, Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel Hashomer – TSC Clinic at Sheba Medical Center
Merida, Yucatan – TSC Clinic at Neural Clinic Mexico
- Director: Joao Garcia, MD
- Age Range: Children and Adults up to age 60 years. At age 28 years the follow-up continues with neurologist, Dr. Mauricio Escalante.
- Clinic Frequency: Weekly, every Tuesday.
- For Clinic Information call Dr. Garcia at 52-999-9490869 and to schedule an appointment, contact Alma Martinez at 52-999-9260207 or
Monterrey, Nuevo León – Hospital Universitario “José Eleuterio González’ Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
- Director: Ana Beatriz Hinojosa-Amaya, MD
- Co-Director: Marisol Ibarra-Ramirez, MD
- Coordinator: Melissa Calzada, MD
- Age Range Seen: Children and Adults.
- Clinic Frequency: Monthly (Schedule subject to change).
- For Clinic Information and to schedule an appointment call +52 8183483704.
TSC International

The TSC Alliance collaborates with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex International (TSCi), a world-wide consortium of existing tuberous sclerosis complex associations and organizations, serving as an avenue to empower those affected by tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), including individuals, families, caregivers, educators and health care providers.
Additionally, TSCi coordinates TSC Global Awareness Day each year on May 15.
Find a TSC Organization