As of December 1, 2024, the TSC Biosample Repository has the following in their inventory:
Whole Blood
- 265 DNA*
- 1 PBMC
- 7 DBS
- 1167 Plasma
- 1024 WBC – Buffy Coat
- 1 Whole Blood
- 1 Whole Blood (cord blood)
- 493 Buccal Cells
- 167 DNA*
- 1 Saliva
- 1 Embedded Block (buccal mucosa)
- 1 Glass H&E Slide (buccal mucosa)
Please see full inventory, including tissue specimens, here.
*Please note: We are able to extract DNA from additional whole blood or buccal samples as needed.
We highly recommend you contact the TSC Alliance at to discuss available samples.
Because biosamples are linked to data in the Natural History Database, applicants may request subsets of biosamples based on clinical phenotypes, age, sex, etc. Additional data from the Natural History Database relevant to the project may be requested for each sample, as well.