
Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010)

Welcome to BoardLink, which provides the most up-to-date information for the TSC Alliance Board of Directors, including meeting documents, committee meeting minutes and other important updates/documents throughout the fiscal year.

To view previous issues of BoardLink, simply scroll down to the “BoardLink Archives” section at the bottom of this page.

Next Board of Directors Meeting via Teleconference

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 8 p.m. ET (7 p.m. CT, 6 p.m. MT, 5 p.m. PT)
Conference Call Number: 218-339-4600
Access Code:  102095#

Meeting Agenda

Documents Needed for Meeting:

TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010

Year End Change Memorandum   
Fiscal Year Bylaw Amendment Resolution

Number of Directors Resolution

Board Committee Goals FY 2011

Budget Summary, June 8, 2010
Master Budget for FY 10.5
Operating Statement of Activities, April 30, 2010
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, April 30, 2010
Year-End Budget Projections
Revised Document Retention and Destruction Policy

TSC Alliance Resarch Program Grant Candidates
TSC Alliance Drug Screening Program Grant Candidates
Recommendations for PAB and ISAB New and Renewing Terms
Revised Scope of Clinic Relationship Policy

Tuberous Sclerosis Authorization Bill Outline Revised, May 18, 2010

Constituent Survey:  Summary of Key Findings

Audit Charter

Operating Board

TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, June 10, 2009
TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Sept. 12, 2009
TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Jan. 20, 2010
TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
TSC Alliance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010 Signed Board Resolutions — Change of Fiscal Year and Set Number of Board Members

FY 2010 Online Board Orientation Manual 

TS Alliance Board of Directors Member Contact List
TSC Alliance Endowment Fund Board of Directors Member Contact List
Five-Year Strategic Plan
FY 2010 Board Committee Assignments
FY 2010 Board Committee Goals

CEO Reports

July 2009 CEO Report
August 2009 CEO Report
September 2009 CEO Report

October 2009 CEO Report
November 2009 CEO Report
December 2009 CEO Report
January 2010 CEO Presentation to Executive Committee
January 2010 CEO Report
February 2010 CEO Report
March 2010 CEO Report
April 2010 CEO Report
May 2010 CEO Report

Advisory Boards/Committees

Corporate Advisory Board

Charter and Members

Professional Advisory Board


International Scientific Advisory Board


TSC Clinic Committee

Charter and Members

TSC Database Steering Committee

Charter and Members

Board Committees


Charter – as approved by committee, Feb. 25, 2010

Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 16, 2009
Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan. 29, 2010
Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010

Audit Process for FY 2010

TSC Alliance Operating Form 990
TSC Alliance Endowment Form 990

FY 2009 Consolidated Audit


Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Bylaws Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 12, 2009

Proposed Bylaw Revisions as of Oct. 9, 2009


Communications Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 21, 2009
Communications Committee Meeting Minutes, Dec. 10, 2009

FY 2010 Communications Committee Goals & Objectives:  December 2009 Progress Report

TSC Alliance Manifesto
FY10 Strategic Communications Plan


Endowment Fund Board Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Endowment Fund Board Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
Endowment Fund Board Meeting Minutes, May 14, 2010
Endowment Fund Board Meeting Minutes, June 30, 2010

Endowment Fund Board Resolution Bylaw Amendment Regarding Fiscal Year   

Endowment Fund Budget Justification for the Year Ending June 30, 2010

Financials by Month

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, April 30, 2010
Endowement Fund Statement of Financial Position, April 30, 2010

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, March 31, 2010 
Endowment Fund Statement of Finanical Position, March 31, 2010

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Feb. 28, 2010
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position, Feb. 28, 2010

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Jan. 31, 2010
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Jan. 31, 2010 

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Dec. 31, 2009
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Dec. 31, 2009 

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Nov. 30, 2009
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Nov. 30, 2009

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Oct. 31, 2009
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Oct. 31, 2009 

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, Sept. 30, 2009
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Sept. 30, 2009

Endowment Fund Asset Allocation, Aug. 31, 2009
Endowment Fund Portfolio Summary, Aug. 31, 2009
TSC Alliance Endowment Fund Review/Update as of Aug. 31 2009

Endowment Fund Statement of Activities, June 30, 2009
Endowment Fund Statement of Financial Position – YTD, June 30, 2009


Endowment Fund Portfolio Review, Prepared Feb. 19, 2010
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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, July 23, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 19, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 12, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 14, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 18, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Dec. 16, 2009
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan. 14-15, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, March 24, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2010
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, June 2, 2010


Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 24, 2009
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 13, 2009
FInance Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 17, 2009
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Dec. 15, 2009
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan. 26, 2010
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, March 23, 2010
Finance Committee Meeting Minutes, April 27, 2010

Cash and Short Term Investment Trends
Cash and Short Term Investment Statements
Cash and Short Term Investments Trending Report YTD, 2009-2010
Cash and Short Term Investments Trending Report, 2008-2009
Cash and Short Term Investments Trending Report, 2008-2010

Addititional Financial Information

Budget Projections through April 2010
Pledges Receivable as of Jan. 2010
Status of CD Funds as of Jan. 2010
Memo Regarding Operating Cash, Jan. 28, 2010
Direct Benefits to Donors and In-Kind Contributions Policy — Amended Feb. 2010
Revenue Analysis – 2008 to 2009

FDIC Cash Management Proposal

TSC Alliance Reserve/Crisis Management Policy

Investment Policy for Operating Funds FY 2010

Annual Budget by Department – FY 2010
Annual Budget Justification – FY 2010
SmithBarney: CDs vs. US Treasury Securities Comparison

Financials by Month

Operating Statement of Activities, April 30, 2010
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, April 30, 2010

Operating Statement of Activities, March 31, 2010
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, March 31, 2010

Operating Statement of Activities, Feb. 28, 2010
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Feb. 28, 2010

Operating Statement of Activities, Jan. 31, 2010
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Jan. 31, 2010
Temporary Restricted Net Assets as of Jan. 31, 2010
Functional Expense Statement as of Jan. 31, 2010
Special Events P&L Report, Jan. 2010

Operating Statement of Activities, Dec. 31, 2009
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Dec. 31, 2009
Temporary Restricted Net Assets as of Dec. 31, 2009
Functional Expense Statement as of Dec. 31, 2009

Operating Statement of Activities, Nov. 30, 2009
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Nov. 30, 2009
Tempory Restricted Net Assets as of Nov. 30, 2009
Functional Expense Statement as of Nov. 30, 2009

Operating Statement of Activities, Oct. 31, 2009
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Oct. 31, 2009
Tempory Restricted Net Assets as of Oct. 31, 2009

Operating Statement of Activities, Sept. 30, 2009
Operating Statement of Financial Position – YTD, Sept. 30, 2009

Operating Statement of Activities, June 30, 2009
Functional Expense by Department, June 30, 2009

Misc. Documents
Four Year SOA Comparison to Fiscal 2010 Budget

Charity Navigator PowerPoint

Fund Development

Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 24, 2009
Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 30, 2009
Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 26, 2009
Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan. 20, 2010
Development Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010

January 2010 Development Presentation to Executive Committee

FY10 Development Report and Analysis — July
FY10 Development Report and Analysis — August/September
FY10 Development Report and Analysis — October/November
FY10 Development Report and Analysis — December/January  

New Membership Levels and Benefits Program — FY10
Walk Brochure Cost Comparison, FY08 vs. FY09
September 2009 General Appeal
October 2009 Research Appeal
Holiday December 2009 Appeal

Government Relations

Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 24, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 29, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 13, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 16, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Dec. 14, 2009
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 5, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 19, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, March 4, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, March 11, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, March 25, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, April 14, 2010
Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes, June 17, 2010

Joint Science/Medical Committee and Government Relations Meeting Minutes, April 26, 2010

Tuberous Sclerosis Authorization Bill Outline Revised, May 18, 2010
Authorization Bill Outline, Feb. 2010 

NIH’s Responses to Congressional Report Language from the FY10 Labor-HHS Bill
Do a word search using “tuberous” you will notice several references to TSC as the disorder relates to cancer, LAM, and epilepsy.  Also, on p. 229-230, you will see their response to our submitted language to the Office of Director.

2010 TSC Alliance Government Relations Program Overview
How to Make a Congressional Appointment
Sample Email Text to Request Appointment

TSC Research Strategic Plan  
Education and Life Skills Goals Summary of Estimated Cost by Goal

Nominating & Governance

Bios for FY 2011 Board Officer Nominees

TSC Alliance Board of Directors Application Form


Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 1, 2009
Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes, Oct. 21, 2009
Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 11, 2009
Outreach Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010

TSC Alliance & TSC Clinics Scope of Relationship
Community Alliance Revenue Sharing Policy
TSC Clinic Sample Business Plan
List of Community Alliances & TSC Clinics in Their Regions 

Adult Task Force
Adult Task Force Meeting Minutes, July 28, 2009
Adult Talk Force Meeting Minutes, Sept. 29, 2009
Adult Task Force Meeting Minutes, Nov. 30, 2009
Adult Task Force Meeting Minutes, Jan. 4, 2010
Adult Task Force Meeting Minutes, Feb. 1, 2010

Community Alliance/TSC Clinics Ad Hoc Sub-Committee
Charter and Members
Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes, Aug. 17, 2009
Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes, Sept. 16, 2009
Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes, Oct. 21, 2009
Ad Hoc Meeting Minutes, Nov. 16, 2009
Ad Hoc Group 2 Meeting Minutes, June 21, 2010

Science & Medical

Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, Aug. 25, 2009
Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, Sept. 11, 2009
Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, Nov. 18, 2009
Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, Feb. 25, 2010
Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, April 12, 2010
Science and Medical Committee Meeting Minutes, June 3, 2010

January 2010 Research Presentation to Executive Committee

TSC Alliance Drug Screening Program, Updated Feb. 10, 2009

Request from Dr. Bordey
TSC Clinic Guidelines – Revised Feb. 2010; approved Feb. 25, 2010

FY10 Science and Medical Committee Goals 

TSC Natural History Database Statistics as of Jan. 4, 2010
TSC Natural History Database Statistics as of Aug. 12, 2009
TSC Database Enrollment by TSC Clinic
TSC Drug Screening Program Proposal
NIH Dept. of Health & Human Services TS Research Plan