
Diagnosed at 10 days before birth, Arij started second grade recently. His first few years were hard and overwhelming for him and his family, although they know all families have to complete their own journeys to find their peace and acceptance.

Arij’s parents believe the TSC Alliance and others provide a great community of caregivers to support, guide and encourage them in the sometimes extremely rough path. New research and advancement in the medical field has made their journey a lot more manageable though.

They encourage continuing to work as a team to reach newer heights in combating TSC and encourage everyone in the TSC community to “just keep moving forward, one day at a time!”

Thank you to our TSC Navigator supporters:

Northstar Sponsors

  • Jazz Pharmaceuticals 
  • UCB, Inspired by patients. Driven by science.

Cardinal Sponsors

  • Neurelis
  • Nobel Pharma

Directional Sponsor

  • Noema