
The TSC Alliance invites healthcare professionals affiliated with a TSC Clinic, TSC Center of Excellence, or University Medical Center to subscribe to our private listserv: p2p@lists.tscalliance.org. Its primary purpose is for members to pose TSC-related cases or questions to their peers for feedback. Members may also use the listserv to seek opportunities for collaboration on TSC-related projects. The listserv is monitored to ensure it is being used for appropriate communications.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: Email smetzger@tscalliance.org who will add you as a member. You should receive a “Welcome to list p2p” email from Groups List Manager  to confirm your membership.

Please note: This listserv is meant for healthcare professionals ONLY. The TSC Alliance cannot give medical advice or suggest medical treatments or therapies of any kind, recommend specific physicians, or interfere in the doctor/patient relationship in any way. We strongly encourage you to reach out to your primary care physician or TSC provider with any medical concerns. For all general TSC information, you can reach out to our support navigators at support@tscalliance.org.